Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 4 Summary

Well, my computer stopped working yesterday which was devastating.  I did get it fixed at school today, thank god.  This week has been crazy with the start of school 8/9/2010 with students.  It has been a very exhausting week and with the start of each year, I realize how much I really love teaching.  Starting the year ready to teach the new generation to the best of my ability.  This week in class we talked about the benefits of social networking in education along with the advantages and disadvantages of LMS.  I did not realize how much I do not know about education and technology.  This week as been a real eye opener in very aspect. 

Monday, August 2, 2010

Week 3 Summary

Well, I fixed my Ning problem.  Apparently I didn't have a problem.  This week we discussed the use of facebook in the classroom and privacy issues.  One of my classmates brought up the point of creating a facebook just for schools and educational use.  We could use is as an online classroom to connect.  I think that this an amazing idea.  The other issue that we discussed is privacy issues associated with the use of social networks.  Should educators be responsible for things said on the Internet?  We are all responsible for what we say on the Internet.  Everything that is posted we have to assume the it will be made public even it your settings are private.  As an educator we are held to higher standards in society than other professionals, but this is something that we know going into education.  All public service workers are held to higher standards.  A cop should always obey the law and never break it.  A fireman should not ever have a fire in their own home.  We are all considered role models  for the future leaders and should act that way. 

Sunday, August 1, 2010


So I am having some problems figuring out ning.  I am so frustrated.  I have read all the help issues I can find and still can't completely grasp my entire head around the website.  I usually can read directions and figure stuff out by playing with it, but not this.  I don't know if I am preoccupied because school starts tomorrow and have lost my patience at the moment or what.  I had to close my computer and walk away.  I know that it is not supposed to be this difficult.  I think I am just having a brain fart at the moment......AAHH!!
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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 2 Summary for EDU 651

I have created a twitter account.  Follow me and I will follow you.  I never really liked twitter but know I am enjoying it.  Don't knock something until you try it.  I have been creating and checking in on my blog and my pbwork account also on a regular basis.  I am wanting to add gadgets and make my spaces for fun and exciting so I have been exploring gadgets and different websites created by educators to get some very cool ideas.  I have been developing a delicious account as well that way I can share with others when school starts.  I have also been updating my school website so I am ready Aug 2.  Right around the corner.  Feel free check out my other sites that I am working on.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


So I am really feeling like I am very uncreative. My classmates have come up with excellent ideas of a wiki and it took me a very long time to try to think of something to create. Maybe I am just in the summer mood while it lasts. Summer is about to be over for me starting Aug 2 back to work.

I have found that when all else fails and you can't think just google.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Trying to keep up.

So I am loving my master's program but it is a lot to keep up with. Twitter, blogging, pbworks....I am in the process of creating it all and trying to figure out the in's and out's of all of them. It's not a problem but sometimes it is very time consuming and with a very busy family in the middle of a move and school about to start Aug 2 I am trying to keep up. I love being on the computer but I feel like I have been on the computer 24/7 since program started. I am having a love/hate relationship with it. I love technology and can't get enough and my current class is taking me out of my comfort zone. It is nice to learn new technolgy but getting myself up to my fullest potential and being able to glide through each site with ease is what I am striving for. I want to be able to post, blog, and new items to each website without even blinking. I will get there it will just take a minute to get use to everything.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week 1 Summary

This week I have decided to create a WIKI with PBWorks. I am hoping that his will improve student and parent involvement in the classroom. I am in the process of creating it but I am not sure which direction to take the WIKI. I first posted several "day 1" items that I send home with the students for parents and students to read. I have also posted my contact information. I would really like to require the students to create a bio about themselves and post it on the WIKI the after the first week of class but I am not sure how to really incorporate this into my teaching. I teach in a public low-income school. I only have 3 computers that sometimes work in the class and can only access the computer lab once a week for about 30 minutes. My parents really don't have computers or Internet access and I thought that they could get to the library, but most do not have any form of transportation. So I am trying to decide if I make this optional for extra credit or bonus, require it, or what do I do. Any suggestions would be very helpful.